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African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, Chinese Americans, etc. etc. Today’s blog has more to do with questions I want you to ponder than an actual story. I have a hard time understanding why we have to profile individuals into different groups. It seems to me, that, if we are all born in American, then we should all be called Americans. Why do we have to make distinctions? If we did away with profiling, would we still have the prejudices and racism  that goes on in this world? I look at our younger generation and I see that when we have a handful of kids that want to cause trouble, we profile all the kids and say they are bad. Because there are a few kids in a gang, does that make the whole race bad? I think not. If we have a handful of Policemen/women that want to be profilers, prejudice, or racist, does that make all of the police bad? I think not. Profiling. prejudice and racism is going on everyday in America by every “Group” that we can name. It is time to stop all this nonsense!! I was teaching our adult class at Church yesterday from the book of Titus and we got into a discussion on what Paul has to say in chapter 3. Paul tells Titus to: Remind them (The people of Crete) to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for honest work, TO SPEAK EVIL OF NO ONE, TO AVOID QUARRELING, to be gentle, to show perfect courtesy toward ALL men. How can we do this if we profile, have prejudices, and practice racism? WE CAN’T!! Can’t we all just be Americans and forget about race, color or creed?

When it comes to the Government, we have Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc. I understand that it has always been set up this way. However, what if there were no divisions, groups, or profiling? How would things work? It seems that the way it is now we take our group and go to a corner and come out fighting. Why can’t we just be Americans and elect the best person? Whether it be President, Congress, senate, governors, etc. It seems so simple to me. If we could do away with the “Groups”, wouldn’t  things work smoother? Wouldn’t it come down to “What is best for America” instead of “What is best for Me”? I don’t know either, but I would sure like to try.

What about Religion? We have 100’s of different denominations. Why? God established His Church on the day of Pentecost and set up the way it is supposed to work. We have let man’s opinion enter in and now we have God’s word being distorted. Through every letter that Paul wrote, he warns about distortions and false teaching. Isn’t it time to go back to the Bible and see what God says instead of believing what men say? I think so!! If we would do what God says, there wouldn’t be religious strife in this world today. Ephesians 4:4-6 says “There is ONE body, ONE Spirit, just as you were called to the ONE hope that belongs to your call, ONE Lord, ONE Faith, ONE Baptism, ONE God and father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.” Let’s do what God says.

Can we all get on the same page whether it be politics, religion or Americans? Probably not, but it sure would be a better world if we could.

Diabetes–Living with this disease

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In life comes maturity, with maturity comes knowledge, with knowledge comes understanding and with understanding comes wisdom. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s work place, family life, friends or with this, a disease, if we don’t have the steps listed above, we will struggle and have difficult times. My daughter, Tami, has had to deal with this disease since she was 6 years old. This is her story and written by her.

What is Diabetes? A syndrome characterized by impaired insulin production. It is classified in 3 groups.

  1. Type 1, Juvenile, IDDM–Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus to be scientific. This is characterized by an abrupt onset of symptoms (excessive thirst, urination, lethargy) in childhood. People with this type of Diabetes have a pancreas that produces very little or no insulin and must take insulin injections or use an insulin pump to survive/live.
  2. Type 2, Adult onset, NIDDM–Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus to be scientific. This form of Diabetes is often seen in adults who have a family history of Diabetes, are over the age of 45, are overweight and still have a pancreas producing some insulin. This type of Diabetes is often able to be controlled through diet, exercise, oral medication and sometimes insulin injections.
  3. Gestation Diabetes–Diagnosed in pregnant women, typically around the 24th week, who have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. These women typically have never had Diabetes and it resolves once the birth of the baby occurs.
  4. Whether you have type 1 or type 2, you have a lifetime commitment of monitoring blood sugars, what you eat, how much exercise you do, even down to your work and sleeping habits. This is a serious disease, it is a life long, life changing disease. It can take your eyesight, cause kidney failure/dialysis, stop your ability to feel pain (Neuropathy), cause cardiovascular/heart disease and increase the risk of stroke. In the past 20 years alone I have given myself approximately 29,000 injections, over 40,000 finger sticks to check my blood sugar as a type 1 Diabetic since age 6. In the 40 years of being a Diabetic, that will amount to over 50,000 shots, 100,000 finger sticks, and let’s not forget about the medication costs, Doctor visits and the visits to the ER.
  5. You think you feel fine and do not need to monitor your sugars or watch what you eat, that the complications will not affect you. Think again!! Ask the non-compliant type 2 Diabetic who lost his lower leg due to a foot ulcer, the same person who is now on dialysis 3 days a week for 4 hours a time, the person who now wishes they would have listened long ago and taken the disease seriously. Ask the spouse who lives with him how this affects her, changed their life, helped her be more in control of her Diabetes. Ask the family members how this has changed their lives, the worry they have and what will that next call be.
  6. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. It causes more deaths that Breast Cancer and Aids combined. Don’t become another statistic!! Control your blood sugar, exercise, eat right, take your medication(s) and follow up regularly with your health care providers. Don’t let this disease control you–you control it!! By you taking control, you will reduce the risk of lifelong serious complications and life changing diseases.

Are We A Media Driven Society?

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Television, Radio, Internet, Newspaper. We are influenced by what we read, hear and see. We think we have a choice in what we read, hear, and see, but, do we really? It seems we are deluged with negativity and wrong doings to the point they seem to become acceptable, but, are they? I once heard a Sermon on staying three feet away from trouble and you will never be in trouble. The problem is, you keep moving back each time something becomes acceptable and soon you are “In The Muck” yourself. That is what is happening today.

Let’s look at Television first. We are in the midst of selecting the next President of these great United States. We see Republicans beat up each other as well as their opponents. We see Democrats beat up on each other as well as their opponents. Why can’t we here the good about about the ones running? I would rather base my decision on what is good rather than what is bad. All the negativity we hear and see is a lot of what is wrong with the process. We tune in to watch shows on Prime Time and we are encompassed with divorce, adultery, drugs, alcohol, sexual encounters, homosexuality and the list goes on. We watch these things over and over until they seem to become acceptable. It’s no wonder we have such a problem with kids we are trying to raise as well as our own lives. Why do we let this happen? The evening news is filled with reports of accidents, rapes, drive by shootings, etc. Very seldom do we hear about the good that is going on within the city and surroundings. Would it not be better for us to hear good news than to dwell on the bad? A lot of the reason we are sad and unhappy is because of all the negativity we deal with in our daily lives.

You can take all these things and you will find the same thing going on with Radio, Internet and Newspapers. Why do we keep doing the same thing and expect different results? We can’t!!! You all want change–start with getting the negativity out of your life. Stop accepting the things you hear and see that you know are wrong. Work on changing yourself first and society will become better.

I’m an avid sports fan and used to think I could escape the negative things on regular TV by watching sporting events. However, now I have to hear about athletes with drug problems, domestic violence, drinking while driving, etc. What about all the athletes that do good? The support and money that went into the Oklahoma City bombing, The hurricane in New Orleans, the countless visits to children in hospitals and that list also goes on. The athletes that do good far out number the ones in trouble, yet, we seldom hear about them. Why is that?

I have come to the conclusion we are a Negative Media Driven Society and thrive on bad news. Such a shame!!

Good News-Bad News

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Good News

A Greek philosopher asked his servant to provide the best dish possible. The servant prepared a dish of tongue, saying, “It is the best of all dishes, because with it we may bless and communicate happiness, dispel sorrow, remove despair, cheer the fainthearted, inspire the discouraged, and say a hundred other things to uplift mankind.”

Bad News

Later the philosopher asked the servant to provide the worst dish of which he could think. Again a dish of tongue appeared on the table. The servant said, “It is the worst, because with it we may curse and break human hearts, destroy reputations, promote discord and strife, set families, communities, and nations at war with each other.” He was a wise servant. Solomon wrote, “Whoever keeps his tongue, keeps his soul from trouble.

Proverbs 6:16-19

There are six things the Lord hates. Seven of which are an abomination to Him. 1) Haughty eyes–2) LYING TONGUE–3) Hands that shed innocent blood–4) A heart that devises wicked plans–5) Feet that make haste to run to evil–6) A false witness who BREATHES OUT LIES–7) A man who sows discord.

As you would push in a clutch in a vehicle before you put it in gear, let your mind think for a moment before you put your tongue in gear.

SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.

Alcoholism–Addiction or Disease?

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Today I want to talk about Alcoholism.

It is a horrible addiction and will cause you to be someone you don’t want to be. It will cause you to lie and deceive both friends and family. It will cause major ups and downs–mostly downs. It will cause distrust with those that care about you. It will cause you to lose stability, homes, jobs, and income.

When you have a drinking problem, one of the hardest things you  will ever do is say, “I need help” or “I have a problem.” My Dad once said to me that it takes a big man to know he is wrong and an even bigger man to say he is wrong. To mankind one of the most difficult things to do is admit being wrong.

Contrary to what many say–Alcoholism is an addiction, not a disease. The reason I say this is because Alcoholism is all about me. I have a choice whether to drink or not. If I never take that first drink, I will never be an Alcoholic. If I do have a drinking problem, I can fix it. It doesn’t require surgery or any special medicines. It requires me to say “I’ve had enough.” A disease is something like cancer or heart issues, etc. With a disease, I have no choice to make whether I get it or not. It just happens. Many times a disease will require a Doctor’s attention, special medicines and even surgery. There is a similarity with addiction and disease. If not addressed–They WILL kill you!!

Once an Alcoholic makes that decision to stop drinking, that is just the beginning of a very long road that won’t end until death. There will be mood swings, some depression and many ups and downs. The Alcoholic will need forgiveness, understanding, stability and love from both family and friends. He/she will need to stand on there own, yet, be propped up from time to time AND above all they will need encouragement not judgement.

You see I can say all this because I have experience. I have had a drinking problem (31 years sober) that I overcame with the help of my family, friends and especially my wife. I am one of the fortunate ones that didn’t need detox or rehab. I caught it early enough and had stable people around me to solve the problem

You see, I can say all of this because, I have experience. 11 years ago I had a heart attack. I couldn’t fix this myself. It took the Doctor’s expert knowledge and some special medicine to overcome the problem.

That my friends is the difference between addiction and disease. Today I have a wonderful life, even though I live with both problems in my body.

SMILE God loves YOU!!! Have a good day all.


Time For What??

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I don’t have time to……..

I’ll make time to…….

I’ll take time to…..

Just a minute, I’ll……

Hurry I only have a minute…..

Timing is of the essence…..

Time-Time- Time, it seems that everything revolves around “Time.” It is my take, that, if we really want to……., we will find the “Time” to do what we want.

Everybody has the same amount of time during the day and you can either spend your time or invest your time and that is what we need to understand. It’s how we allocate our time . We all have 24 hours in the same day and it comes down to WANT to do.

If you want to play video games and watch TV and do all those other things, you’re going to get beat out by the ones that are doing the little things that are going to make the difference in being successful or failing.

When we look at investing in ourselves, we are challenged to understand that every action has consequences to it. They can be positive or they can be negative. If at the end of the day, you want to work for someone else or own your own company, you have a say in what happens.

Take “TIME” today to stop and “Smell The Roses.”

Have a good day all!!!

SMILE God loves YOU.


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Today I want to share a thought on “Walls.”

A wall is nothing more than a separation from something else.


The “Great Wall of China.” The wall that separated East and West Berlin.

The walls in our home.

The wall in the back yard or around a piece of property.

The wall around Jerico

The wall we build in our own lives

I think to some extent  all of us have some type of wall that we have created, whether great or small, in our lives. There are different reasons for us to build a wall.


Sexual abuse

Physical abuse

Mental abuse

Been hurt by someone

Lied to

Lost trust–and the list goes on!!

Brick by brick by brick walls are built. They are built over time and sometimes they are hard to bring down. It doesn’t happen over night. However, brick by brick by brick we can destroy them.

The best example I can think of on how to get rid of a wall is to remember the wall of Jericho. The Lord told Joshua to march around the city once a day for six days and on the seventh day march around seven times, blow the horn, and the people will shout and the wall will come down. Joshua did as he was told and the wall was destroyed.

We are told several times in the Bible to give God all of our troubles, fears, cares, stresses, and He will take care of them. We have a plan of attack given to us by God just like Joshua had.

When life gives us a “Brick” to add to our wall, give it to God and take one from the wall that is already built and give that one to God also. Not over night, but over time, we can destroy the walls we have built in our lives.

SMILE God loves YOU!!

Have a good day all.

When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking

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When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make my favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little things can be special things in life.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I heard you say a prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always talk to, and I learned to trust in Him.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn’t feel good, and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned sometimes things hurt, but it is OK to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I learned most of life’s lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn’t looking I looked at you and wanted to say, “Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn’t looking.”


Each of us (Parent, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, Teacher, Friend) influences the life of a child.

Live simply–Love generously–Care deeply–Speak kindly.

Life Is Full Of Good Intentions

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Life is full of good intentions.
I’ll do “It” tomorrow.
I’m not ready–maybe later.
I don’t have time right now to do “That”.

Maybe it just isn’t on my priority list. You do have a priority list, right? Oh, I see, You’re going to make one tomorrow.

This is the real art of putting off ’til tomorrow what you don’t want to do today.

Procrastination by definition:
Put off intentionally or habitually; postpone
Putting off the doing of something that should be done.

My take on Procrastination is this: I don’t really WANT to do this so I will put “It” off until later. We tend to take care of the things we care about and WANT to do. The difficult or less desirable situation gets put off, even though it needs to be taken care of. It’s like when we get into a disagreement with someone and say to yourself–I’ll take care of this tomorrow. That is when the molehill turns into a mountain. Ever happen to you? I know, you’ll let me know tomorrow!!

Don’t put off or “Procrastinate” on things that need to be done, whether they be easy or difficult.

Question of the day: When you know what the Boss, or God, wants you to do, are you going to say, “I’ll do “THAT” later”?

SMILE God loves YOU!!
Have a good day.

Can You Afford God?

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One of my “Pet Peeves” is, I can’t afford it. Most times when we say this or hear it, it has to do with money. Today I want to put it in a life circumstance.
First let’s look at the definition of afford:
1) To manage to bear or to bear the cost of without serious loss or detriment.
2) Yield, Furnish
In other words, are we willing to give up something in order to have something else?

God says in Colossians 3:5:
Put to death what is earthly.

Then is verse 12, He says to put on:

Now here we come with: “I CAN’T AFFORD” this, God, you’ve got to be kidding, right? I can’t make all these changes in my life!!
In other words, I’m saying to God that I’m not willing to “Yield”. I’m not willing to “Bear The Cost Of The Loss” I would incur with all the changes.

The choice we have in life is: Can we “AFFORD” God?

SMILE God loves YOU!!
Have a good day.