Where's Your Focus? - GraceAndWorks

Posted by | December 14, 2015 | Life Blogs | No Comments

The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. It’s that time of the year that we shop ’til we drop. We have a list of those who we care most about and set about to find the best gift ever. Cost is no problem, I’ll just pay  for it later. The stress is about to overwhelm me and I know the depression of it all will hit later. I think I’ll listen to some songs. Here comes Santa Claus, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, Frosty The Snow Man, etc.  Oh, yeah, I have to have all those special “Goodies.” Fudge, popcorn balls, cookies, turkey, ham, and the list goes on. WELL, now I have to go buy groceries!! Don’t forget “TIS THE SEASON TO REMEMBER JESUS!!

I’ve have read and heard it said that we need to put “Christ” back in CHRISTmas. I agree, but, I think we need to understand why. Christ came to this earth to live in human form and set an example for us to live by. He lived on this earth, died on this earth, was buried on this earth and was resurrected to sit on the right hand of His Father in Heaven. He came to seek and save the lost–That’s you and me!! Don’t forget ‘TIS THE SEASON TO REMEMBER JESUS!!

I have also read and heard it said that we need to put Christ back into CHRISTian. How do we do that? By studying the life of Christ, how he lived and what he did while on this earth. His life, death, burial and resurrection directly parallels Baptism. We live, die to our sins, are buried with Him in Baptism, resurrected up out of that water to live a new life. Living the new life means to live righteous and be obedient unto death. Just like Jesus did.  Philippians Chapter 2 explains and directs us on how to live.  Don’t forget ‘TIS THE SEASON TO REMEMBER JESUS!!

Where is YOUR focus? Christ’s Church was set up on the Day of Pentecost. Christians remember Jesus every day and Worship with Him every Sunday (1st day of the week) as directed in Acts. We commune with Him every Sun as is also directed in Acts. So if we want to put Christ back in CHRISTian, we need to focus each and every day not just at Christmas time. Don’t forget EVERYDAY “Tis The Season To Remember Christ!!”

SMILE God loves YOU!!! Have a good day all.

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