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It’s Planting Time.

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This week I want to talk to you about it being planting time. It’s fall time in Western Nebraska and time to plant the wheat for next years crop. The moisture is not real good and it’s going to be a struggle to get the kernels of wheat into wet ground so they can germinate. I’ve got the tractor hooked up to the grain drills. About ready to get started,  just have to scoop the wheat into the drills. For those that are not aware, wheat weighs 60 pounds per bushel and it takes about a bushel of seed per acre. OK, the drills are full and we’re pulling into the field. Field has been tilled and ready for planting. Boy that moisture line is deep due to the lack of rain, hope I can get the seeds deep enough and yet not too deep so the sprouts can get through the ground to sunlight. I’ve gone a little ways into the field so I stopped and checked to see if everything was working OK. All the spouts on the drill are flowing good, the seed is being planted, and the seeds are sitting on moisture. YAY!! Everything is going good.

Planting is done and the wheat is growing and doing good. Thank you, God. The wheat will go dormant during the winter months and now it is next spring and all looks good. The wheat is doing well and now it is July and harvest goes good. The grain is safely in bins to wait for a good selling market. Planting the seeds worked. They germinated, grew, and produced healthy plants.

In life we also plant seeds (every day). These can be seeds of hope or despair, love or hate, success or failure, compassion or uncaring, praise, kindness, positive seeds, negative seeds, fear, divisive, steadfastness, ill will, good or evil and the list will just continue on. The question I have for you is this: As you travel the roads through life what kind of seeds are you planting? We know that not all seeds will grow, but many do. Be careful what kind you are planting.

Just as the wheat needed the right conditions to be able to be a healthy plant so do the seeds we plant as we go through life (good or bad). God  wants us to plant seeds in His Kingdom. I had Faith the the wheat would grow and I have Faith that the seeds I plant in the Kingdom will grow. God says so!! Do you plant seeds for God and do you have the Faith they will grow? Not all will germinate, but some will. Don’t become discouraged.

Do the work, plant the seeds, and let God take care of the production.

Hailed Out!!

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It was late June in the mid 1960’s and I was farming with my Dad. It was getting close to a mid July wheat harvest. I was about 20 miles south of home and town working in a field driving the tractor and tilling the ground. I had fueled the tractor and greased the machinery and set to go back to work. I pulled back in the field (about 1:00 pm) and about an hour later there began developing a huge bank of clouds in the west. As time went on the clouds got bigger and closer. I thought to myself, this is going to be a bad one. The wind was starting to blow and I’m about a mile from the pickup. I turned the tractor around and headed back to the pickup. By the time I got there it was starting to rain. I pulled up close to the pickup and shut the tractor down. It was raining a little harder by now and the clouds were really dark. I thought , this is getting bad!! 1st the wind, then the dark clouds, now the rain. I’m in the pickup now and the rain is REALLY coming down. BOOM–a huge clap of thunder and now the bad part was happening. HAIL!! The size, a little bigger than a pea, and it wasn’t stopping. Oh no, this is not good. When the storm had blown through and stopped, the wheat crop was gone. The hail had pounded the wheat plants to the ground and there was nothing left. What a sickening feeling to just sit there helpless and watch your wheat crop go from almost in the bin to having nothing. DEVASTATING, to say the least. Now to head home and tell Dad. HAILED OUT!!

I tell you this story because it is true and because I’ve watched peoples lives get “Hailed Out” just like the wheat. Life is going along fine, then all of a sudden you see the clouds starting to grow. The light is getting dimmer and it’s getting hard to see what is happening. Now comes the wind and you start getting tossed to and fro and listening to “Stuff” you shouldn’t be listening to and doing things that shouldn’t be done and all is getting messed up. The wind continues, the rain continues, then BOOM the hail hits. You are DEVASTATED and beaten to the ground.

The difference between you and that stock of wheat is–you can get back up. You can get up, right? Come on get up, it will be OK. 1st Corinthians chapter 10 God tells us he will put nothing more on our shoulders than we can handle and He will show us a way out. Come on, get up, and talk to God. You start talking to God and the storm starts to stop. Finally it has blown through. The sun is shining and everything is getting better. Thank you God!! The storms of life will beat you down, but, they can’t keep you down because God will help you. (If you let Him) I would say, “Good luck to you in these storms”, but it has nothing to do with luck. I will say though, “Through your Faith let God help, He will make everything good again.” I can say all this because I have experience both in farming and in the “Storms” of life.

Clone The Shepherd!!

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I just finished reading a fine article by a brother about the dangers of cloning and the sin involved if it is ever done for the wrong reasons. But part of his article made me think of one way in which we have a great need for clones in the church. In the article he said, “Especially pertinent is the question of human cloning. Newsweek asked the question, `Today the sheep tomorrow the shepherd?` Yes, clone the Shepherd!!”

Too many in the church are cloned from other sheep or those in the world. We want to LOOK like everybody else, DRESS like everybody else, SPEND like everybody else, BE like everybody else. When others change, we change. We do everything we can to fit in with the Smith’s and keep up with the Jones`. We are simply cloning ourselves after sheep.

There are examples of those in the Bible who had a choice between being cloned after the sheep or the Shepherd. In 1st Samuel 15 Saul had a choice to make: utterly destroy the Amalekites as the Lord instructed (vs 3) or spare the best as the people desired (vs 21). We know his choice (vss 9, 24). He was cloned after sheep. We also know the result–he was rejected from being King over Israel.

The rulers in John 12:42 faced much the same decision. They heard the word of the Shepherd proclaimed and believed it. But would they be cloned after Him? At present they were cloned after the Pharisees. They decided to stay as they were, “for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (vs 43).

It is time to clone the Shepherd!! The Apostles were His clones. In Acts 5, they are being persecuted for following Him, but in verse 29 they boldly say, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Oh, for more people with that attitude today!!

Paul makes it clear after whom he is cloned. In Galatians 1:10 he says, “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.” Notice that Paul admits at one point in his life he was cloned after men (“if I still pleased men”). But in Acts 9 the Shepherd comes into Paul’s life, and he becomes a changed man. In 1st Corinthians 11:1 we see the cloning of Paul to be like the Shepherd when he says, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”

Can we speak like Paul to others? Are we imitating the Savior to that degree? Have we cloned the sheep or the Shepherd? CLONE THE SHEPHERD!!

This is shared from the Desert Church of Christ bulletin. Pahrump, Nv.

Healthy Wheat Plant VS Black Rust

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Awww you say. What’s this all about? If you are a farmer, chances are you know what Black Rust is. If not, you probably have no clue. So let’s learn a little today. As you learn about Black Rust, I want to tell a story.

My Dad was a farmer and every  year about 10 days to 2 weeks before wheat harvest, we would go to the Rocky Mountains for a vacation. It was in the summer of 1963 that we took that trip to the mountains and when we got back home Dad was told that Black Rust had gotten in the wheat crop. There are 2 types of rust that hits wheat, Red and Black. Red Rust is not much of a problem, whereas Black Rust causes a lot of damage. You see, Black Rust is a fungus. Wheat normally weighs 60 pounds per bushel. Black Rust causes wheat to dry up and hurries the final stages of filling the berry. Thus causing the berry to shrivel up and lose weight. When we harvested this wheat the weight was only 48 pounds per bushel. Needless to say it wasn’t worth very much money on the market at the time of harvest. Being that the value was next to nothing, we put the wheat in grain bins that were located on the farm. In January, the wheat market was such that there was some profit in selling the wheat that we had put in the bins. As the bins were becoming empty, Dad and I were inside scooping the wheat to the augers. There was a lot of dust and we were not aware how dangerous it was. Remember, Black Rust is a fungus. Long story short, it put Dad in the hospital with dust pneumonia with long term affects of scarred lungs. Dad passed some 30 years later with congestive heart failure due to the scarred lungs. We had no idea in 1964 how dangerous this Black Rust was and the fungus it produced.

I told you all of that 1st) so you could learn something and 2nd) the dangers we encounter without even knowing. As we go through life, we have things that happen that may scar us as the Black Rust had done to my Dad. Satin can get to us as the Black Rust did to the wheat. He can take a good plant and shrivel it up and make it worthless and priceless just as the Black Rust had done to the individual kernels of wheat. The difference is that God can heal us against what Satin has done whereas there was no hope for the scars my Dad incurred.

When you get scarred and have that shriveled up feeling, instead of throwing your hands in the air and giving up, let God be your Doctor. He will heal you!!

SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.

Cold, Dark and Stormy

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It was December in the mid 1990″s. My wife and I left Las Vegas on a Christmas trip to Lincoln, Nebraska. The trip was going fine and was uneventful. We stopped in Rawlins, Wyoming for gas. It was cold, dark and stormy. We got back on the interstate and went about 30 miles when we rounded a corner and there was danger on the highway. There had been an accident and the highway was blocked with Semis. We had nothing to to but go in the ditch. After an abrupt stop by a guard railing, we were unharmed. The car was a total wreck and as we sat there wondering what to do, a patrolman came to the car and took us to his vehicle. We told him what had happened and he then called a tow truck to come get us and the car. The tow truck driver then took us to his little truck stop out in the middle of nowhere (About 60 miles from Laramie). He and his wife were lifesavers as they took us to Laramie on icy roads, late at night and found us a motel room. Thank you Mr. tow truck driver and your wife for being so gracious in the time of a cold, dark, stormy night. The rest of the story is we rented a car and went on to Lincoln and had a wonderful Christmas with our kids and Grand kids and made it back to Vegas safely.

The reason I told this story is because life can also become cold, dark and stormy. We find ourselves traveling along just fine. Then around the next corner we find danger and find ourselves in the ditch and get stopped abruptly. This can happen from a multiple of things. The loss of a job, alcohol problems, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, family problems, etc. The thing we need to realize is, God can calm the seas. He can calm the winds. He can make the storms stop. He can turn the darkness to light. IF WE WILL LET HIM!! Let God be your tow truck driver, and He will be the same gracious person that will help you and put things back in line so you can get on with your life in a timely manner. God says, “Obey my commands and I will prepare for you a place,” One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2nd Timothy 2:15 and following. It says to study and show yourself approved. If you do that, you will know the commands God wants you to obey and your life will be warm, filled light and calmness. I can say this because I have experience.

SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.

What Is Faith?

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I knew there would be water come out of the faucet, but none came out when I turned it on–called the plumber!! I knew the lights would come on when I flipped the switch. but they didn’t–called the electrician!! I knew the car would start when I put the key in the ignition and turned it, but it didn’t–called the mechanic!! You see I had faith that these things would happen, when they didn’t, I called the professional.

I knew my life was just going fine and stay that way, then it went sideways–tried to fix it myself!! That didn’t work so well. Here’s the question I have for you, why did I call the professionals for plumbing, electrical and auto, yet when my life went sideways I tried to fix it myself instead of calling on the “Professional? The “Professional” being God.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. We are to have no doubt about our faith, believing in Jesus and not being ashamed of the Gospel. Faith rests on God’s power. As we go through life, we walk by faith not by sight. We need to be sincere, have a firm belief, and through that faith, Christ will dwell in our hearts. This kind of faith will shield us from evil. Our faith will grow and be strengthened by studying and hearing God’s word. If we have a sincere heart and continue our works in the Kingdom, Jesus will help us in perfecting our faith.

Ephesians chapter 4 tells us there is only one faith. It works through love, encourages us, and prompts us to act. Next time there is trouble with your life, don’t try to fix it yourself–call on God!! FAITH OVERCOMES THE WORLD!!

Team Play

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As I look at this subject, several different ideas come to mind. Football teams, basketball teams, track teams, office teams, church, etc. We win “By a mile,” “By the skin of our teeth,” “By an inch,” or by “The hair of my chinny-chin-chin.” Most teams have two different teams within the team, defense and offense. There are also different positions and responsibilities for each individual.

It’s “March Madness” time in college basketball where a champion will be crowned. The university, athletic director, coach, and players all make up the team. For sake of argument the university is the owner. The athletic director is the CEO. The coach is the hands on boss and the players are the employees. Each has a responsibility to the team based upon their talents. The coach has to be able to run the players and not only get the best from them, but, also keep them on the same page. Practice and preparation is vital to  the success they all  want, which is winning the games they play. The offense is used to score the points and the defense is used to keep the other team from scoring. Most of us talk about the high scorer or top rebounder. We don’t stop to consider the bench or roll players because they are not as “Important” or are they? Remember this is a team effort and everyone is needed, depending on their talents. The better the team is prepared the better the chance is for them to earn the championship crown at the end.

Christianity is a direct parallel. It involves team play. Again for sake of argument, God/Jesus are the owners. God’s word is the CEO. The preacher is the coach and the rest of us are the players. Each of us has a responsibility based upon our individual talents (Ephesians 4). Practice and preparation (continued study) will let us use these talents to the fullest. If we all use our talents to the best of our ability the individual congregation will grow and be the success that God wants. The church has two teams also, offense and defense. The offense does the things necessary to keep everything positive and growing by using God’s Word. The defense also uses God’s Word to keep Satin out of the church. As individuals, if we do all we can and perform to our capabilities, we will win the race. In the end we will earn the “Crown of Life.”

God has a plan laid out for us and all we have to do is follow it. Search and study the scripture, it’s there for you. I don’t think we can gain heaven by “The skin of our teeth’ or by an “Inch” or a “Mile.” We need to stick to God’s plan and execute it to the fullest and by His Grace we will be given the “Crown of Life” and eternal salvation.

Where Does Your Growth Come From?

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Sometimes life seems hard to bear, full of sorrow, trouble and woe. It’s then we have to remember, that it’s in the valleys we grow.

If we always stayed on the mountain top and never experienced pain, we would never appreciate God’s love, and we would be living in vain.

We have so much to learn, and our growth is very slow. Sometimes we need the mountain tops, but, it’s in the valleys we grow.

We do not always understand why things happen as they do. But, I am very sure of one thing, my Lord will see me through.

The little valleys are nothing, when we picture Christ on the Cross. He went through the valley of death. His victory was Satin’s loss.

Forgive me Lord for complaining when I’m feeling so very low. Just give me a gentle reminder, that it’s in the valleys I grow.

Continue to strengthen me, Lord, and use my life each day to share your love with others and help them find their way.

Thank you for the valleys, Lord, for this one thing I know, the mountain tops are glorious, but, it’s in the valleys I grow!!

Have a good day and let your love abound. SMILE God loves YOU!!

This is shared from Jane Eggleston, “It’s In The Valleys We Grow”

Homosexuality-Right or Wrong?

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I want to start this by saying every one has a choice. We are created with the ability to make choices and decisions about what ever we want. Some of those decisions are good and some are bad. Whether you were born with homosexual tendencies or not doesn’t matter, you don’t have to indulge. Whether you born with alcoholic tendencies or not doesn’t matter, you don’t have to indulge. Whether you were born with drug addiction tendencies or not doesn’t matter, you don’t have to indulge. What matters is, what choice and decision do we make?  According to the laws of the land, homosexuality is OK. According to laws of the land drinking alcohol is OK. According to laws of the land many of our drugs are OK. (Some are unlawful) Just because man says “It” is OK, doesn’t necessarily make it right. Laws of the land have made it OK to have homosexual marriages. That  is a choice that anyone, who wants to, can make. If you claim to be a Christian and a homosexual, it doesn’t work that way. If you claim to be a Christian and an alcoholic, it doesn’t work that way. If you claim to be a Christian and a drug addict, it doesn’t work that way. You cannot serve two Masters (God and Satan), it doesn’t work that way. You cannot lead a life of sin and a life of righteousness. The world we live in has created quite a controversy concerning homosexuality and whether it OK or not.

God has given many scriptures to us so we know what He thinks and demands. Leviticus 18:22, God says homosexuality is an abomination. 1st Kings 14:24 says the same thing. Leviticus 20:13, God says homosexuals are to be put to death. OK, you say, we don’t live under the Old Testament or the Old Law. God says in the New Testament or the New Law, if you will, that homosexuality is not right. In Romans 1:22-24, God gave them up because they wanted to serve creature instead of Creator. In other words they wanted to do things their way, not God’s way. In 2nd Peter 2:6-10, God says that homosexuals will be punished for the lust of defiling passion and despising authority. So, you see, verse after verse, whether Old Testament or New Testament, tells us and teaches us, that according to God and Christian values, homosexuality is wrong.

Homosexuals have the right to choose their life and make their own decisions. Just be aware that those choices to indulge are completely against what God says. Christians also have the right to lead their lives and make their choices. Just be aware, according to God’s word, Christians will find their way to eternal life in Heaven. God says, “Obey my commands and I will prepare for you a place.”


Why Go To Church?

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If you’re spiritually alive, you are going to love this! If you’re spiritually dead, you won’t want to read it. If you’re spiritually curious, there is still hope! SPIRITUAL FOOD FOR THOUGHT AND ACTION.

A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. I’ve gone for 30 years now, he wrote, and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one of them. So I think I’m wasting my time and the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all.

This started a real controversy in the “Letters to the Editor”column. Much to the delight of the editor, it went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher:

I’ve been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today.

Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today! When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something! Faith sees the inevitable, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!

Thank God for our physical and spiritual nourishment! IF YOU CANNOT SEE GOD IN ALL, YOU CANNOT SEE GOD AT ALL!! B.I.B.L.E. simply means: Basic-Instructions-Before-Leaving-Earth.

This is shared to you from an e-mail from Silvia Sarver. Thanks, Silvia.