What Is True Repentance? - GraceAndWorks

Posted by | January 27, 2022 | Life Blogs | No Comments


1) A repentant person is appalled by sin.
Isaiah 6: 1-8
They’re humble, grieve the pain caused to God, and cut to the heart in their conviction.

2} They make amends.
Luke 19: 1-10
Story of Zacchaeus.

3} They accept consequences.
Luke 23: 39-43
Including – Losing trust of God (salvation)

4) They don’t expect or demand forgiveness.
Genesis 32: 1-11
Have you ever heard, “If you don’t forgive me, God won’t forgive you?”. That is a threatening posture and indicates an insincere repentance. It’s unsolving and and manipulative.
Jacob didn’t expect mercy or compassion.
He had fear and distress (V 7), unworthy of kindness (V 10), and anticipated an attack (V 11).

5) They feel the depth of the pain caused.
Isaiah 64: 6
They don’t try to minimize their actions, downplay, or find excuses for what they have done.
They don’t point to all their good works to cancel out the bad.
Righteous acts are viewed as filthy rags.
They take responsibility and acknowledge the damage done and express remorse.

6) They change their behavior.
Acts Chapter 9 tells the changes Paul made from persecutor to preacher.
Realize they need God.
They will diligently work to change behavior and avoid temptation and sin.

7) They will create space to heal.
Galatians 5: 22-24
They will have patience, kindness, grace and self-control. A truly repentant person will show these qualities consistently.
As a sinner, they loved their sin more than God. As a repentant sinner, they will show love to God instead of sin and pride.

8) They’re amazed by forgiveness.
Genesis 33: 6-11
Repentance and forgiveness are from God.

SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.

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