We have a lot of “Stuff” going on in America and the World today. We have a split Country on politics, a virus, small business’s struggling, and many people unemployed. It certainly is a troubling time. I won’t complain.
I’m 72 years of age and I’ve seen 12 different Presidents in office during that time. It seems like every time there has been a change, there are those that think America is doomed and can’t go on. Guess what? America will go on until God says, “No more.” Throughout the Bible there have been many different leaders, some good, some not so good, but the World has continued. In these 12 Presidents I’ve seen, some were good and some not so good, but America has continued. I’m an Independent voter and I try to vote for the best person whether they are Democrat or Republican. Once someone is in office, I will pray for them, support them, and do my best to not complain, because until there is another election, I can’t do a thing about what is happening. I believe God is in control and I won’t be the one to second guess Him. We should have one focus–FAITH–that God will take care of business. It’s been said that we plan for tomorrow and God laughs because He has plans for us.
I have no idea what the homeless people go through. I have a nice home and family–I won’t complain!!
I have no idea what the small business people are going through. I’m retired–I won’t complain!!
I have no idea what people do without their own transportation and have to rely on public transportation or walk. I have a nice car–I won’t complain!!
I have no idea what people having to go to food banks for food are going through. I have cupboards and a refrigerator full of food–I won’t complain!!
Please stop whining, complaining, and preaching doom and let God work his plan. IT’S CALLED FAITH!!
SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.