We have heard God’s Word, Believed it, Confess Christ as the Son of God, Repented from our sins, and was Baptized. So….NOW WHAT??
Here is Paul’s instruction to the Church at Rome in Romans Chapter 12.
I. Offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God (1-2)
II. We are to use each of our unique God-given gifts for His glory (3-8)
A. Because what we have is from God, we ought to be humble (3)
B. Each member of the body has a different role (4-5)
C. We are to use our God-give gifts (6)
D. Use each specific gift to the fullest (6b-8)
III. Qualities of the complete Christian (verses 9-21)
A. Love (9-10)
B. Passion (11)
C. Heavenly-minded (12)
D. Hospitable (13)
E. Forgiving (14)
F. Encouraging (15)
G. Others-centered (16)
H. Upright (17)
I. Peaceful (18octr
J. Patient (19
K. Generous (20)
L. Victorious (21)
Live the life that God wants, not what you want.
Have a GREAT day all!! SMILE God loves YOU.