This is a story about a person that has battled with alcohol for nearly 30 years. I may be a little bit all over the map with this, but I felt it needed to be told. There are those who have been in these shoes and will fully understand and there are those who will have a hard time wrapping their head around it.
Alcohol played a big roll in his life, but he never thought he had a problem….until the last few years. It had control of him even though he wouldn’t admit it. There were lost marriages. There were lost jobs. He had lost the trust of family and friends and finally had his brother to the point he wouldn’t talk to him. It wasn’t because his brother didn’t love him, it was because his brother needed to show some tough love to hopefully set urgency into the situation. It gets to the point where a person can’t wait to get home and just crawl up with a friend (Bottle of alcohol). I look at the situation as he was a “Functioning” alcoholic. Go to work, get home and start the drinking and get up the next morning feeling horrible and stumble off to work. It becomes a vicious cycle!! Most will say that a person has to hit rock bottom before they can begin the trip out of the deep dark dungeon. But what is rock bottom? It is different for different people. Some have to lose everything….the family, the home they have, the jobs, and all their money. For some it won’t go that far before they seek help. Some never seek the help and drink themselves to death.
Well, this story has a REALLY happy ending. He has gotten the help he needed and has reached a milestone. He is 1 year sober!! His Mom and Dad flew in and his Brother and his wife flew in for a celebration and the presentation of his 1 year medal. The first time he and his brother had spoken for about a year. The love was still there. The forgiveness was there. He had to feel so good to have his family back. Then………..after he was presented the medal, he gave it to his brother. To me this was an act of love and compassion and a thank you for the tough love. A tremendous way of showing the appreciation and love for his brother. If you’ve never been in these shoes, it will be hard to wrap your head around what really transpired. He is finally up out of the dungeon and climbing up the mountain. He has finally got control over his life instead of the alcohol controlling him. I’ve been in these shoes. Not as far down as he was, but I can appreciate where he is now and what the giving of that medal means to him. CONGRATS on your 1 year of sobriety and many more years to come!!
SMILE God loves YOU!!
What I would add to this story is that during the year and a half spoken here at least 2 strong congrations of the Lords church were praying fervently and without ceasing. Those prayers were heard and answered by a loving Father. He wants all of his children to be saved and my child was no exception
Yes!! I was so involved with what I wanted to say, I totally forgot that part.
Dear and Respected brother in Christ.
How are you? Dear brother I would like your wonderful Bible study materials.
If you like, please send to me. I do pray for your all good work. may God bless you.
V.sivakumar coc-minister
Tamil nadu -india.
Thank you.
Thank you for your response. I will e-mail you and see what you want/need.
Richard C.
Praise yah I’m still facing 25 years as a cannabis smoker and trying to release the stronghold and yoke I’m will fully allowing even though God is telling me to not fear just stop ! Any prayers would be much appreciated as I thirst for the word I have been blessed by Jesus in many ways and I want to endure purge my sin and overcome for Jesus ! I don’t want to be just a listener I want to be a doer who bears fruit for Jesus ! I’m prepared to loose everything and know I will die for Jesus in the flesh but the holy spiritual is telling me to progress to produce better fruits I need to show faith not just speak the words as God gave us all everything and all Glory goes back to him ! I don’t want to be the 5 virgins who didn’t have enough oil in her lamp blessing from uk please may I ask in Jesus name for your prayers I’m all alone as a believer only being taught by Jesus himself haven’t been to church since I was 17 and I’m now 50 ! Jesus is working inside me I feel it I’m studying seeking and don’t want to fail my father so Thankyou again
Thank you.I tried e-mailing you and you haven’t answered. If you want, e-mail me at richardcraig60@yahoo.com