Driving in Vegas, I have to wonder WHY do we even have Stop Lights. People blow the red light to turn right, in front of traffic. They run the red light to turn left. Then, a car is 50 feet from the intersection the light turns red. Do they stop? NO!! They speed up and run the light. The city could save a lot of electricity, if they just shut the lights off. Seems to me no one cares anyway. I guess maybe that would play GREAT havoc with our driving. If you wait a couple seconds to go after the light turns green, some idiot behind you starts honking. GIVE ME A BREAK!!
As I see all this red light running, I started to think about all the red lights God put in the Bible for us to stop what we are doing, but instead, we just carry on like the people in traffic. RUN the red light signals.
The Bible says–“Attend Worship on the First Day of The Week.” People think, nah, we don’t need to go. Run the red signal.
The Bible says–“Repent of Your Sins.” People think, nah, I’m not giving up what I want to do. Run the red signal.
The Bible says–“Be Baptized to Wash Away Your Sins.” People think, nah, I don’t need/have to do that. Run the red signal.
The Bible says–“Put others considerations before yours.” People think, nah, I’m putting myself first because that is all that matters. Run the red signal.
The Bible says–“Pray without ceasing.” People think, nah, I don’t want/need to because I can do everything on my own. Run the red signal.
The Bible says–“Honor Your Father and Mother.” People think, nah, I don’t have to do that because I don’t care about their feelings, knowledge, and wisdom. Run the red signal.
I could go on, but I think I’ve made my point. People just DON’T care about anything but themselves. The other drivers don’t matter. God doesn’t matter. What in the world have we come to? It’s becoming a disaster!!
SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.
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