Entertainment comes with many different levels. Movies, musical shows, bowling, skiing, skating, playing games with friends and family, golfing, and the list goes on. Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday have become “Party” time. I hear things such as let’s have a Sunday “Fun-Day”, where’s everyone partying, and “I” want to……..It’s become a way of life for many to just do their own “Thing” and have fun.
We have no regard to what God wants us to do. We can’t seem to make time for ourselves to attend Worship services on Sunday. Sunday “Fun-Day” should be having the enjoyment of family time and God time, not “Where’s the party?” The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us to not forsake the assembly of the saints. We should want to attend Worship. You want a Sunday “Fun-Day”? Go to Worship with family and friends, sing to your heart’s content, pray to God and thank Him for the blessings that you have in your life, Commune with Him to show your respect and thanks for Jesus giving His life for you and me, and you can also hear a lesson from His written word so that you may become a better person. Worship services are not for entertainment as one thinks of entertainment. They are to Praise God with all our heart, soul, and mind. We don’t need instruments and choirs because we all sing in unison with our hearts and voices.
Next time Sunday rolls around, attend Worship services and create a God “Fun-Day”. Create a good habit instead of relying on the bad habits that the world has. SMILE God loves YOU!!
Have a good week all.