Everyone has an opinion!! However, they are like armpits–everybody has a couple and most of them stink. Millions of voters have once again been duped and misled by the President, Congress, and Senate. Voters were promised that the Affordable Care Act would be overturned and replaced. Well, how did that work out? I have a couple takes on this: 1) Congress has gotten so used to saying no that they don’t know any better. The last administration put up with this for 8 years. Soooo it’s only fitting that they continue the practice of “Just say no”. 2) The Republicans that said they hated the Affordable Care Act, now, can’t find a way to make it better. They must have decided it wasn’t so bad after all. The past Administration and the Democrats must be having quite a chuckle over the “Non” vote to make changes.
Since when is it OK to hate all Muslims, when the majority are good people? Is this not an act of prejudice? We don’t hate all blacks because there are a few that create problems. We don’t hate all whites because there are a few that create problems. We don’t hate all Indians because there a few that create problems. There is an old saying, “Because one white dog bites you, do you shun all white dogs?” I think most of us would say, “No that is crazy!!” I, personally, don’t see the difference. God created all men equal and I don’t think He intended us to have hate or prejudice in our hearts toward our fellow man.
I’m extremely happy to be a Christian!! God is my Commander In Chief. His decisions are always the right ones. He doesn’t have to rely on anyone to say, “It’s OK.” He has made Christians a promise to prepare a place for us, if we are obedient and live righteous lives. You can go to the bank with His promise. It’s fair, just, and will not change. God will not lie to us, He will not dupe us, and He will not mislead us. His commands are simple ones and VERY easy to understand. 2nd Timothy 2:15 and following tells us to study to show ourselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of God. Know what He has to say, don’t take things out of context, and all will be good for you.
God has the say!! Quit worrying about things you have no control over.