Spiritual Cancer - GraceAndWorks

Posted by | December 07, 2015 | Life Blogs | 6 Comments

Cancer by definition is: A) A malignant tumor characterized by potentially unlimited growth with expansion by invasion and systemic by metastasis. B) An abnormal state marked by such tumors. C) A SOURCE OF EVIL. D) An enlarged tumor like growth. E) Disease marked by such growths.

There are several types of  Spiritual Cancer: lying, false teaching, lack of brotherly love, greed, gossip, anger, lack of study, forsaking the assembly, not caring about others, living in a “Me” world, etc.

There is a difference between physical and spiritual cancer. Physical cancer can sometimes be treated and cured, sometimes in cannot and it takes your life. Spiritual Cancer is always treatable and cured by God’s Word and His forgiveness. Left untreated, it will take away Eternal Life with God. I think two of the worst are: Gossip and Anger.

Gossip by definition is: A) A person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts. B) Rumor of intimate nature. C) Chatty talk. In Proverbs, God tells us that he who slanders is foolish. A tail bearer reveals secrets and we are not to associate with those who speak foolishly. In Ephesians, God says Slander grieves the Holy Spirit, and in Titus, God says speak evil of no one. Gossip is a source of evil and is a Spiritual Cancer that needs to be cut out of our lives. It goes against everything that God teaches us. It is treatable!!

Anger by definition is: A) Ire, rage, indignation, wrath. Anger is the general term for the emotional reaction of extreme displeasure and suggests neither a definite degree of intensity nor a necessarily outward manifestation. Rage is a loss of self control from violence of emotion. Wrath may imply either rage or indignation, but suggests strongly a desire or intent to avenge or punish. In Genesis, God says anger is cursed and it is forbidden and in Psalms He says to refrain from Anger. In Ephesians God says, Do not be quick to anger and in Colossians He says to put Anger away–Put to death. Anger is a source of evil and is a Spiritual Cancer that needs to be cut out of our lives. It goes against everything God teaches us. It is treatable!!

If you nave a Spiritual Cancer in your life, go to God’s Word and treat it. Don’t let it kill you Spiritually to the extent that you lose your Salvation. .

SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.


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