Good News
A Greek philosopher asked his servant to provide the best dish possible. The servant prepared a dish of tongue, saying, “It is the best of all dishes, because with it we may bless and communicate happiness, dispel sorrow, remove despair, cheer the fainthearted, inspire the discouraged, and say a hundred other things to uplift mankind.”
Bad News
Later the philosopher asked the servant to provide the worst dish of which he could think. Again a dish of tongue appeared on the table. The servant said, “It is the worst, because with it we may curse and break human hearts, destroy reputations, promote discord and strife, set families, communities, and nations at war with each other.” He was a wise servant. Solomon wrote, “Whoever keeps his tongue, keeps his soul from trouble.
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the Lord hates. Seven of which are an abomination to Him. 1) Haughty eyes–2) LYING TONGUE–3) Hands that shed innocent blood–4) A heart that devises wicked plans–5) Feet that make haste to run to evil–6) A false witness who BREATHES OUT LIES–7) A man who sows discord.
As you would push in a clutch in a vehicle before you put it in gear, let your mind think for a moment before you put your tongue in gear.
SMILE God loves YOU!! Have a good day all.